Academy Awards 2005: brief summary
("Let me explain. ...No, there is too much. Let me sum up." - Inigo,
The Princess Bride)

*snorts* Oh god. Thank you, Beyoncé, for removing all that was simple from a song I loved for its simplicity... knew I could count on you.
Best surprise: Eternal Sunshine for Best Original Screenplay (wheeeeee!!)
Biggest disappointments, even though the categories turned out exactly the way I knew they would: The fact that Jamie Foxx is an Oscar winner, but neither Johnny Depp nor Leo DiCaprio is. I enjoyed Hilary Swank's performance in
Million Dollar Baby and thought she was good, the long run? Same problem as with the Best Actor category -- Hilary Swank's got two, and Kate Winslet's got none. Weird. But who cares about a stupid statue anyway, right? ;)
Biggest Yay's, other than 'Eternal Sunshine' for Screenplay: Cate Blanchett for Best Supporting Actress; shout-outs for Canada (and Toronto in particular) from the recipient for the Best Animated Short,
Biggest NOOOOOOOOOO!! moment: Million Dollar Baby wins Best Picture. No no no! No!! Okay, so I liked the movie okay, and on my nominees list it's one of the three movies I asterisked, but...of the three (
MDB), why did it have to be that one??! WHYYYYYYY?!
L'anyhoodle (©
m15m), that's all for now, 'cause I'm gonna go to bed. How did this year's ceremony leave me feeling? Well, for some reason, it was really rather unsatisfying. Bah.
Winners List )